Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Heel of a Time

Holy crap, that title was corny.  Hopefully I learn to be less corny, right?
So here's a thing about me- I'm a huge baby about heels.  I love how they look, and I wear them when I NEED to, but they always hurt my feet.  And I am just not one of those girls whose able to jam out and groove while wearing heels.  I obviously need the option to always be able to bust a move.

I've seen the Etta Bow Pumps all over Pinterest with the tagline "Heels for the girl who only wears flats" and I'm totally intrigued.  What do we think?  Could they actually be comfortable? 

I also read this completely weird yet super awesome trick on the other day when begrudgingly putting on heels for my birthday dinner.  You tape your second and third toe together.  Yep.  It sounds weird,  and feels weird at first, but it actually worked.  My feet weren't crying at the end of the night, and I was definitely able to share with the world some really sweet dance moves. 

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