Monday, December 31, 2012

My Favorite Day of 2012

Was the day I married my best friend.  

Just try and top that, 2013.  See you next year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Years Eve + Links

Does everyone have their New Year's Eve plans figured out?  I have my outfit ready, but no where to go yet.  My friends are notoriously bad planners, and it is a complete mystery where I will be when the clock strikes midnight!  

Here are some great New Year's themed links from around the internet:

In my dream life, I am spending New Year's Eve right here.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Yesterday & Today

What I have been doing lately...
Celebrated a great first Married Christmas with this cutie!
I've imbibed in a lot of green juice- looks gross, but so, so good! PS- Can you imbibe in something that's not alcohol?  Thoughts to ponder. 
Wore this last night for a Girl's Wine Night- & noticed I should probably clean the mirror 

Snuggled with this baby girl

& played in the snow!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Those Were the Most Blah of Times
Delsh green juice recipe from The Daybook
Ugh, this is such a weird time of the year.  I always fall into a little post Christmas depression funk, mixed with a little relief, exhaustion, and lack of dollars to my name.  I am also pretty sure I've eaten my body weight in brownies, apple pie, and champagne during the past weeks.  Anyone else?  

Ian and I are planning on doing a little New Years Juicing this year, which has me both excited & nervous.  We watched this mind blowing documentary, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead a month ago, but never had a good time to really give it a go. Yesterday I went out and bought this juicer with a Crate and Barrel gift card we had left from our wedding, along with approximately 90 pounds of produce from Trader Joe's.  We're planning to ease ourselves in this last week of 2012 (I mean, we can't stop the champagne before New Years Eve, right??)  and then try a cleanse in January.  I've never really been big on New Years Resolutions (it always feels like to me that A New Chapter of life begins in September, no matter how many years I've been done with school!) but this seems like something that can help me get through the endless blah-ness of January. 

My first juice ingredients!  From my instagram.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Heel of a Time

Holy crap, that title was corny.  Hopefully I learn to be less corny, right?
So here's a thing about me- I'm a huge baby about heels.  I love how they look, and I wear them when I NEED to, but they always hurt my feet.  And I am just not one of those girls whose able to jam out and groove while wearing heels.  I obviously need the option to always be able to bust a move.

I've seen the Etta Bow Pumps all over Pinterest with the tagline "Heels for the girl who only wears flats" and I'm totally intrigued.  What do we think?  Could they actually be comfortable? 

I also read this completely weird yet super awesome trick on the other day when begrudgingly putting on heels for my birthday dinner.  You tape your second and third toe together.  Yep.  It sounds weird,  and feels weird at first, but it actually worked.  My feet weren't crying at the end of the night, and I was definitely able to share with the world some really sweet dance moves. 

my fur vest is my sweetheart

Me + My fur vest with jeans

Me + My fur vest with a LBD
They're currently everywhere, I know.  But for good reason!  I seriously can't stop wearing my fur vest.  I put it on with everything, and it just pulls it together.  I won't lie, I even put it on over my nightgown last night (yep, I still wear a nightgown) just to show Ian that it would even work with that.  He was impressed. 

& here are some other cuties wearing fur vests!
Jules from Sincerely, Jules does winter whites.
Fashion-y Oliva Palermo
The always polished Anna from See Jane

well, HELLO.

Sup, internet.

My name is Brittany, and while I'm not really much of a babbler in real life, I figure I'll be the only person talking here.  So these are my babbles. 

I am a 25 year old newlywed living in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I spend my weekdays painting, playing Barbies, and building forts while nannying some of the coolest kids around.

I enjoy eating, especially discovering all the amazing restaurants around here, daydreaming about moving to Paris, planning our next trip, shopping and coffee (the usual suspects), and hanging with my favorite people in the world, Ian and our fluffy yellow dog, Jolie.